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1-709-467-4301 Feral Felines Rescue & Rehabilitation | Lethbridge, Newfoundland, Canada

Trap-neuter-return (TNR) is a program through which free-roaming community cats (not belonging to particular humans) are humanely trapped; sterilized and medically treated; and returned to the outdoor locations where they were found, and given an adequate supply of food and fresh water by an ongoing caretaker


We can improve the lives of outdoor cats with Trap-Neuter-Return, a humane and effective approach for feral cats. Although our group was created to rescue and rehabilitate feral kittens and stray cats so that they can live as indoor pets, we also carry out small TNR projects when our finances permit. We feel that a feral cat’s life does have meaning – since it did not choose this existence, we are dedicated to improving its life in the best way that we can.

On average, female cats have three litters of 4-6 kittens per year. Naturally these kittens are not spayed or neutered and will eventually make their contribution to the homeless cat population. Female cats lead very difficult lives, caring for their kittens as well as trying to survive themselves. The constant fighting between males cats causes many horrible injuries while the indiscriminate mating leads to the spread of diseases such as FIV.

TNR ends the vicious cycle of reproduction, preventing further litters of kittens from being born outside only to suffer. We reduce the size of existing cat colonies by removing both kittens and adults cats that we feel can be placed into adoptive homes. The others are spayed or neutered, ear tipped and returned to their caretaker. Food can also be provided when needed.


If you are feeding feral cats in your neighbourhood on a regular basis and would like to learn more about our TNR program, please email


Donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated. Click here to donate.

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